Five Bills, Dozens of Elected Officials, 100s of Activists, & the IL Muslim Civic Coalition


American Muslim kids have this feeling at one time or another...being the odd one out, being the butt of a joke, feeling misunderstood or mistrusted. 21st Century America has not been kind to our community, especially on playgrounds, in classrooms, and in public spaces.

The IL Muslim Civic Coalition was formed to make sure often invisible or marginalized voices are heard, supported, and represented. I am a Fellow for the Coalition, and my work feels urgent and empowering.

State legislators are in session and our five Bills are moving forward fast.

Our Reverence for Diversity in Illinois Amendment amends the state’s oath of office to make sure our officials honor the diversity of our communities.

The Inclusive Athletic Attire Act allows athletes to achieve their best without having to choose between their passion for a sport and their personal modesty.

The Cross-Cultural Mediation Amongst Students Act creates a process of restorative justice. The next time a student is bullied for their identity, not only will that student get closure and empathy, but their bully will be provided education.

The Muhammad Ali Day Resolution creates a commemorative holiday to honor America’s great champ whose Islamic faith was essential to his accomplishments.

The Contributions & History of Muslims in America Bill makes sure American Muslims are seen as part of our nation’s rich and diverse traditions, and all students gain a more global perspective in education.

I know American Muslim kids and families need this legislation because I was in their place - and sometimes still am. I remember as I stood nervously in my velcro Skechers, my classmates trying to convert me away from Islam because my “religion was for terrorists”. With our Bills and our initiatives, we are creating a place where difference is not just tolerated - but respected and valued - and this is what my team at the IL Muslim Civic Coalition is committed to.


Abed Alsolaiman, Fellow at the Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition


Our sacred duty to the most marginalized - Donate zakat & sadaqa to Muhsen


Reflections on the Surah of Small Kindnesses