Fighting for Human Security for All

By Muslim Public Affairs Council

The scale of human suffering in America today is more severe than at any time since the Great Depression. Prompted by the structural inequities magnified by the COVID-19 crisis, MPAC is directing our mission toward advocacy for Human Security. Human Security refers to the ability of every person to live in dignity and freedom from fear, and to fundamental living standards including shelter, income, food security, and healthcare; security from all forms of violence and hostility; and freedom from intimidation and discrimination.

Our Islamic and American values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all call us to advocate for those whose decades-long lack of human security has been exposed by this pandemic. For over 30 years, MPAC’s mission of improving policies and perceptions by engaging with government, media, and communities has allowed us to build relationships in Congress that we are leveraging to address systemic and structural inequities that have left millions of Americans, including American Muslims, living in fear and insecurity. 

MPAC has built a coalition of over 30 organizations to support his work for equity and justice, not only in COVID-19 relief legislation, but in all policies moving forward. We are asking members of Congress for their partnership in improving human security through focused efforts toward racial and socioeconomic equity in healthcare, protection, employment, and criminal justice legislation. 

We ask you to champion this cause and support these four current Congressional initiatives: Funding for community clinics (COVID Relief 4), COVID-19 Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2020 (H.R.6139), Paid Sick Days for Public Health Emergencies and Personal and Family Care Act (S.3415), and COVID–19 Correctional Facility Emergency Response Act of 2020 (H.R.6414).

Together we can create an America with justice and equity for generations to come.


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