Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business

By Yasmin Irfani

“Whoever saves the life of one person, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind.” Quran 5:32

Each year, we lose 800,000+ beautiful souls through death by suicide around the world. Suicide is a public health emergency as well as the most preventable type of death.

Each of us has the potential to save lives. We have so much more power than we think we do. I urge us to stop underestimating ourselves.  

Too many of us are suffering in silence due to the stigma. With this pandemic, my hope is that we can wake up and take suicide prevention more seriously.

What can we do?

  • Be gentle with yourself

We do not need to have all the answers or know exactly what to do. Simply coming from a place of compassion and non-judgment is a great start. However, it begins with the relationship we have with our own self. Practicing self-compassion is crucial because if we can not sit with our own pain, it will be more challenging to sit with that of another.  

  • Be proactive

There is no better time than now to take action. It is much easier to learn the skills when we feel safe, as opposed to waiting until a loved one is in crisis.

  • Get your masjids involved

Ask your masjids to provide opportunities for mental health education and suicide prevention. This is not something each of us can do on our own. In my own journey, it was the resident scholar of my masjid, Sheikh Suhail Mulla who supported me in doing this work. We need Muslim leadership to prioritize mental health education.


Interested in a free suicide prevention training? Email

I am a QPR-certified instructor and would like to educate as many Muslims around the country.

Find local support:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


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